Tucker Smith
PhD Candidate in Economics, Vanderbilt University
My furry research assistant, Bogie
Welcome to my website! I am a sixth-year PhD Candidate in Economics at Vanderbilt University and an applied microeconomist. This summer, I will join the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas as a Research Economist. You can download my CV here.
My research lies at the intersection of public, labor, education, and urban economics. I primarily study shocks affecting vulnerable populations between youth and young adulthood and whether public policies and programs can help mitigate harmful long-term effects. Because supporting such populations requires effective policy design, a complementary research branch examines equity and efficiency in public good provision.
I am grateful to the American Educational Research Association for supporting my research with a 2022 Dissertation Grant.
Please feel free to reach out! tucker[dot]w[dot]smith[at]vanderbilt[dot]edu